Wednesday, November 20, 2013


My first craft show is Saturday.  I have been a shopper at many, but never sitting on the other side of the table.  My avoidance of doing one of these to date was because I believed I would need to make a lot of the same thing in different colors and sizes and it seemed a bit overwhelming.  Or at least that is what I have been telling myself, to support my reluctance.  To get myself out of this ‘box’, I decided to take an OOAK approach.  Where everything is ‘one of a kind’.  The good news is that this is a small, church event that is also their first craft show.  So it should be fairly low pressure.  This should help me decide if this is a good avenue for me and the my art.  If all goes well, I may just try another!

Not having done one before, I had to do a bit of shopping, besides getting all the pieces made!  I hung out at Staples last night picking up a cash box, sales slips, bubble wrap and even a PayPal device so I can process credit cards with my phone into my current PayPal account.  I was thinking I would not be able to get something like this setup before the event, not knowing what was involved, the options and what the cost was.  Turned out that it was only $15 for the device and the charges are the same as when someone uses our online PayPal account.  One of the ladies at a recent Goddess Garden Studio open bead group was talking about how taking credit cards made the craft show events so much easier and created more sales.  Luckily I have a very talented husband, that technology is second nature to, and I am sure he will have it connected in no time!  Lucky me. ;-)

I have completed the bracelets, had the initial trial on the glass tree ornaments and the second set looks like it will be great for the show.  So the next few days I really need to wrap up the glass work and finish up the last few details and I should be ready for Saturday… and fit that movie in Friday that my husband and friends want to go to!  It is all a delicate balancing act.

Looking forward to teaching napkin collage on Thursday evening…. I know I will have a few more people LOVING this art medium.  There is just so much you can do with it.  FUN, FUN, FUN… And yes, I think I can fit in this AND be ready for Saturday.  Would not want to miss out on a little, messy, creative art class.... ;-)

Stepping off onto another new adventure… good or bad, you don’t really know, if you don’t try…

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